Recipe Test: Cook's Illustrated Chicken Canzanese
This weekend’s episode was Chicken Canzanese and it looked so good I had to give it a try. I was not disappointed nor was the family! The chicken skin was crisp, the interior was moist and the sauce was fantastic. This is a chicken meal that you could definitely serve to company and was perfect for a nice Sunday dinner. It isn’t really a mid-week meal as it took too long, but it was well worth it if you have the time. Of course, since I could easily live on just mashed potatoes and gravy (well except for pizza and maybe some desserts) of course I had to make some mashed potatoes to go with it, and for the almost healthy vegetable, some brown sugar glazed carrots. (Did I mention the sauce was phenomenal – potatoes and gravy for lunch anyone?) The recipe for Cook’s Illustrated Chicken Canzanese is here. It uses simple, fresh ingredients and instructions that were easy to follow. I did make a double batch and used bacon because I didn’t have prosciutto but otherwise did exactly what the recipe called for. I give it a full five stars and according to the family ratings – once a week, once a month, once a year and please, please never again – it rated a once a week!
Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide
That sauce does look phenomenal. Potatoes and gravy are one of my favorite lunches!
There is nothing in that image that says no to me…even the carrots look scrumptious.
Mmm this does sound delicious! I’m always looking for new ways with chicken!