Halloween Cake Pops – Ghosts and Witches Hats

It’s that time of year again! I can’t seem to get away from the cake pops. I’ll spare you from the entire process since I have done them several times before (Brownie Cake Pops on Glo Sticks, Easter Egg Cake Balls, and Chocolate Cake Balls). These are different in only in the fact that I used a mold for the Witch Hats and a little glitter icing to decorate the Ghosts but they are so cute for Halloween especially since my artistic skills are pretty weak so I have to go with the easy things. The ghosts are great because when they turn out goofy I just say I planned it that way and using the mold for the witches hats was also just my speed. My biggest suggestion for the ghosts is that you use a white or very light cake and icing combination because otherwise it will show through the white chocolate. I used a really moist apple cake but even that showed a little.

For the ghosts, I dipped them in white chocolate in a “rustic” way, making them sort of misshapen and drippy, then used some black glitter icing to give them features.

For the witches hats, I used these molds.

After popping them out of the molds onto a cookie tray (which I only really noticed in the pictures is probably past its prime and should be replaced) I added some sticks and put them in the refrigerator for about 1/2 hour to firm up.
After dipping I put them on a table decorated with a mini-oval ceramic bowl filled with crushed Oreos for a coffin, some mini-pumpkins, lots of candles, some little paper witch hats that a friend made and some pumpkin shot glasses filled with a bright red drink.
Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide
I love how expressive they are. Love the shot glasses!
Alice Hutchins
I love your display with ghost pops and witches hats and the cut little paper witch hats. They are the coolest :).
Thank you for sharing your talent of cooking.
Alice Hutchins
Thanks to you for the paper witch hats – they are beautiful and went perfectly with the pops!!
Lovely! The ghost pops remind me of the cake pops at Starbucks. Great idea for halloween treats!
Elias Anspach
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Not just for the free candy but for all the decorations, and excitement that surrounds it. Unlike christmas where you have to spend so much money. This year is extra exciting for my family because I have a child of my own to dress up:) I just hope there are no crazy people out there trying to hurt people with their dumb tricks!!!!
Scary }:->
usa chef frustrated
When I open this it reminds me of the upcoming spooky Halloween night. 😛
Jodi Loshe
I really like your web site, it has engaging articles, Have a nice day!
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